ABORTION: The TRUE “War” On Women

In the midst of this horrific revelation of how Planned Parenthood is butchering babies for their financial gain, I heard again the accusation that these revelations have come out because the Republicans are opposed to women’s health, and are waging a  “war on women”. The fact that liberals are responding in this way to the showing of videos of Planned Parenthood personnel discussing the sale of body parts of babies tells us that they haven’t watched the videos, or they are so calloused they don’t care that babies are being butchered!  Or perhaps they are so deeply indebted to this organization for their political contributions they’re afraid of losing their lucrative support!

Although I realize the liberals are waging a political war against conservatives with this “war on women” slogan, some people apparently believe them. How can anyone actually believe that opposing such slaughter of helpless babies is waging war on women? Years ago the abortion industry began brainwashing generations of people by changing semantics and calling the baby growing in its mother’s womb just “tissue”. And now they refer to the baby as a “product of conception”. They want to sterilize their activities by removing the thought of an actual human being growing in its mother’s womb, so people won’t be repulsed by their heartless murder of living babies.

They pushed the idea that, because a pregnancy is inconvenient, or the mother is unmarried, or she already had too many children, or the timing is wrong and so the resulting baby would not be wanted in her life, it would be alright to get rid of this “tissue” before it developed into a baby. Unfortunately for Planned Parenthood, these recent videos prove to the whole world, beyond any reasonable doubt, that the “tissue” or “product of conception” developing in its mother’s womb, is not an impersonal thing, but altogether a human baby! You can’t fail to recognize that truth as you see the lab personnel picking through the babies’ parts; lifting a leg with the knee and foot, or the arm and hand; talking about the heart and the lungs; and even one person saying “look, it’s a boy!”

I believe Planned Parenthood (as well as other abortion facilities) is in business to make money, not for “women’s health”, nor for charitable reasons. After all, this multi-billion dollar industry brings in over $150,000,000 annually from this ghoulish trade! Why on earth should America’s tax-payers be funding this business to the tune of a half million dollars a year? They claim to be using that money for “women’s health services”. But the reality is that not a single one of their facilities performs mammograms. And most of their “women’s health” services consists of “referrals” to other clinics that actually perform those services!!!!

Some people believe there are other ulterior motives of this organization, from its beginning, that has to do with eliminating the more “unfit” from our society, and perhaps even committing genocide to eliminate those of minority races, since the highest per capita abortion rate for the black population is 3 times what it is for whites, and the rate for Hispanic women is twice what it is for whites.  Even today I read that the National Black Pro-Life Coalition is protesting the sale of these baby parts, especially since most of those baby bodies are black babies!

Alveda King, niece of the late Martin Luther King, Jr., speaking before the World Congress of Families VI, in Madrid, said pointedly, “Since 1973, 14 million black babies have been aborted in the United States. That’s one-third of the current number of blacks in the U.S. It’s as if a plague swept through the black community and killed one of every four people. That plague was real, though, and it came in the form of abortion.” She also called abortion “the greatest assault on the dignity of black women today.”

Each and every day in this nation over 3700 babies are violently removed from the safety of their mother”s wombs by greedy doctors! (This is a far higher death toll than the number of lives snuffed out by terrorists on 9-1-1!) People argue that women have a right to an abortion if they have been raped or are the victims of incest. Even if that is true, only 1% of those 3700 abortions performed daily, or 37, result from the product of rape or incest. Only 6%, or 222, are taken because of potential health problems of the mother or child. That means that the other 3441 (per day!) babies are killed for the convenience of the mother. She just doesn’t want the baby!

What kind of society are we living in that thinks it’s okay to kill a child in the womb just because the mother or father doesn’t want it? Far from being a “right” that women should applaud, abortion is a national disgrace. Even if the mother herself doesn’t want that baby, there are thousands of couples standing in line to adopt it. May God open our eyes to see that He is the giver of that life, and He alone has the right to destroy that life!

Aside from the effects of this abortion industry on future generations, I would say that there is indeed a war on women, but it’s a “war” being conducted by the abortion industry and those liberals who support them!

Here are some of the damages done to women by abortions:

1. Long-term physical damages from abortion could prevent a woman from ever being able to have healthy, full-term pregnancies in the future, resulting in pre-mature births and Placenta Previa.  Both of these conditions lead to numerous medical complications for both the baby and the mother, including cerebral palsy, and multiple physical and mental abnormalities.

2.They could die during this procedure.  Even though there is no requirement for states to report abortion data to any federal agency, the CDC has received reports of the deaths of 386 women from legal abortions between 1973 (when abortions became legal) and 2004.  How many have died during that time, and since then, without their deaths being reported?

3. The immediate complications can include cervical lacerations and injury, uterine perforations, bleeding, hemorrhage, serious infection, pain, and incomplete abortions.  These complications have become even more likely since Planned Parenthood began altering their methods of conducting the abortion in order to salvage specific parts of the baby’s body that buyers have ordered. How ghoulish is that?!

4. Even the so-called “safe” method of chemical abortion with the drug RU-486 can result in hemorrhage, infection, missed ectopic pregnancy, and death.

5. Scientific studies have proven that induced abortion, especially of her first pregnancy, can greatly increase a woman’s future risk of breast cancer.

6. Researchers have identified a pattern of psychological problems, known collectively as Post-Abortion Syndrome, in which women may experience major depression, anxiety disorder, anger, flashbacks, guilt, shame, grief, denial, suicidal behaviors, and relationship problems.  Post-Abortion Syndrome has been identified in research as a subset of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

 If any of my readers have had an abortion, I want you to know that I am not condemning you. I understand your pain. One of my closest friends has suffered emotionally and struggled with those feelings of guilt for decades, after being forced by her parents to have an abortion. And I have heard and read testimonies of women who are suffering profound grief and shame because of an abortion in the past. I know the crippling effects it can have on women. I want you to know that God loves you and stands ready and waiting to forgive your sin and to cleanse you from this guilt and shame. He can bring physical and emotional healing.

It’s the liberals, in league with the abortion industry, who are “waging war” on women, and also on their unborn babies! Conservatives are taking a stand for life and health for women, and life, over death, for their unborn babies.

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